All Issue
December, 2024

  • Vol. 8 No. 04
  • Development and implementation of genomic selection model for economic traits in Korean native cattle (Hanwoo)

    So-Young Choi, Hongrip Min, Seunghee No, Dahye Son, Sanghoon Han, Jungjae Lee

  • The impact of genes and hormones on canine behavior: A review of recent research

    Jin Hyung Kim, Eunjin Cho, Minjun Kim, Kun Ho Song, Dongwon Seo, Jun Heon Lee

  • Genome-wide association study identifies loci influencing resistance to Edwardsiellosis in olive flounders (Paralichthys olivaceus)

    Yuju Lee, Dain Lee, Julan Kim, Tae-Hee Kim, Chaehyeon Lim, Hyejin Kim, Jong-Won Park, Yoonji Chung, Yeongkuk Kim, Min Sung Kim, Seung Hwan Lee, Woo-jai Lee, Hyun-Chul Kim, Hee-Bok Park

  • Genome-wide association study identifies loci affecting resistance to Scuticociliatosis in olive flounders (Paralichthys olivaceus)

    Yuju Lee, Dain Lee, Tae-Hee Kim, Minhwan Jeong, Julan Kim, Hyejin Kim, Chaehyeon Lim, Yoonji Chung, Yeongkuk Kim, Min-Sung Kim, Seung-Hwan Lee, Woojai Lee, Hyun-Chul Kim, Hee-Bok Par

  • Analysis of pedigree structure and inbreeding coefficient for Jersey dairy cattle in Korea

    Taejeong Choi, ChangGwon Dang, Gyeonglim Ryu, Dusan Kim, Hyeongwook Baik, Chanhyeok Park, Yangmo Koo, Sangchul Park, Jihwan Lee

  • Transcriptome analysis for DEG profiling related to meat color in pigs

    Sangwon Yoon, Yu-Sam Kim, Hee Jung Baek, Dae-Yeong Koh, Ill-Joo Lee, Myunghum Park, Jung Woo Choi, Dongwon Seo

  • A Genome-Wide Association Study of Age at First Calving and Calving Interval Trait in Hanwoo Cow (Korean Brown Cattle)

    Seungwon Oh, Yang Mo Koo, Seung Hwan Lee, Duhak Yoon

  • Analysis on the Contribution of Parturition Environment Factors to Birth Weight and Gestation Period in Hanwoo

    Hosung Lee, Yong-Chan Park, Hyo-Jun Woo, Jakyeom Seo, Myunghoo Kim, Dong-Hwan Kim and Byeong-Woo Kim

  • A Study on the Estimation of Environmental Effects of Hanwoo Steers Carcass Traits

    Ji-Hyun Son, Ki-Hwan Lee, Ji-Hong Lee, Yang-Mo Koo

  • Effects of estimated breeding values of sires on the performance of steer progeny in Hanwoo carcass traits

    Seon-Ah Kwon, Ha-Seung Seong, Jae-Gwon Kim, Joo-Young Lee, Chang-Woo Lee, Dong-Woo Ha, Jong-Bok Kim, Jung-Woo Choi, Won-Hyong Chun

  • Contributions Analysis of Carcass Traits on Auction Prices and Total Prices for Hanwoo in Chungcheong Region of Korea

    Juseung Lee, Kangmin Lee, Donghyuk Heo, Hosung Lee, Jakyeom Seo, Myunghoo Kim, Dong-Hwan Kim, Byeong-Woo Kim

  • Transcriptomic Profiling of Growth Stage-Specific Gene Expression in Hanwoo Liver

    Taejoon Jeong, Woncheoul Park, Sunsik Jang, Dajeong Lim

  • Estimation of genetic parameters and genetic evaluation of Hanwoo lean meat traits using BLUP

    Gwang Hyeon Lee, Hong Sik Kong

  • Associations of FABP3 genotypes with Pork Belly Traits in pigs

    Ga-Hyeon Jeong, Ye-Eun Won, Seung-Hoon Lee, Kyu-Sang Lim

  • Comparison of parentage test for Hanwoo identity test marker combinations

    Nuri Choi, Minjun Kim, Yusam Kim, Do Hyun Kim, Hak Kyo Lee, Myung Hum Park, Bong Hwan Choi, Dongwon Seo