This study has conducted an analysis to observe how the exchange of genetic resource through Swine Genetic Improvement Network Program affects changes in domestic groups of breeding swine genetic ability. The testing materials used for the study were 128,433 Swine Genetic Improvement Network Program participating breeding farms and 106,410 non participating breeding farms from 248,422 farms that were farm certified by KAIA(Korea Animal Improvement Association), excluding outliers from 2010 to 2015. According to the result, heritability of participating farms varies among different kinds of swine but it showed ADG(Average daily gain) of 0.36~0.42, 90KG(Age at 90kg) of 0.39~0.43, BF(Backfat thickness) of 0.36~0.41, LMA(Loin Muscle Area) of 0.20~0.25 and LP(Lean percent) of 0.39~0.49. On the other hand, heritability of non participating farms showed ADG of 0.43~0.49, 90kg of 0.41~.051, BF of 0.41~0.48, LMA of 0.19~0.23 and LP of 0.43~0.45. It shows that heritability of participating farms tends to be estimated lower than that of non participating. Regarding this result, from now on, to establish base of production of Korean breeding pig, genetic exchange among breeding farms must be done actively with their aggressive participation. Also, we have to establish breeding system by network among breeding farms that do farm certification and carry on continuous study and analysis to support national improvement business.