In this study, assumed effects according to participation in breed, sex, parity, test year, test season, test classification, and swine genetic improvement network program which affected influences to daily gain, 90kg reaching age, back fat thickness, eye muscle area, and lean percent which were test traits of swine by using datum on tested 235,596 pigs of farms by Korea Animal Improvement Association from 2010 to 2015. As a result of verifying significance on each factor in all investigated traits, significance in daily gain regarding swine genetic improvement network program was not admitted, but all effects on breed, sex, parity, test year, test season, test classifications accepted high significance from investigated whole traits (p<0.01). In total average and standard deviation by trait, daily gain was turned up to each 622.83±69.66 g, 606.72±68.64 g, 662.18±67.07 from Landrace, Yorkshire, Duroc by breed, and 148.86±12.63 days, 150.23±13.13 days, 140.14±11.41 days were shown in case of 90 kg reaching age. In case of back fat thickness, 13.46±2.63 mm, 29.60±4.22cm2 and 14.24±2.62 mm, 12.95±2.46 mm, respectively, and each 57.05±8.12%, 57.38±6.41%, 50.48±19.64% were investigated in case of lean percent. Breed, sex, parity, test classifications, division of program participation, effects of environmental factors showed significant differences (p<0.05).
Figures & Tables
Figure 1 The trend of phenotypic value changes per year of test for the average daily gain in each breed.