Sexing of birds at early age is very important for efficient selection and breeding; while characterization and taxonomic identification is relevant in conservation of birds’ genetic resources. This study used the genomic DNA of ten (10) guinea fowl keets to determine their sex using agarose gel electrophoresis and sequencing with chromo helicase DNA (CHD) binding genes, they were also characterize taxonomically using 12S rRNA mitochondria genes. The results of this study shows a double band (ZW) for females and a single band (W) for males under Agarose gel electrophoresis view, the Guinea fowl keets sequenced showed some deletions and were closer to Gallus_CHD12 in the phylogenetic tree. The Taxonomic classification result shows that the sequenced guineafowl keets were most related to the
Figures & Tables
Figure 1. Band Pattern of male and female guinea fowl as shown on Agarose gel. (A indicated female with 2 band (ZW) while B showed male with one band (W).