The calpastatin gene (CAST) is an important marker associated with meat quality in sheep. The aim of our research is to develop methods that allows studying and identifying allelic variants of the CAST gene in sheep at the molecular genetic level, where polymorphism of the CAST gene in sheep was studied using the polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP analysis). In this study, calpastatin (CAST) gene polimorphism was investigated in three sheep breeds in Belarus and Iraq using PCR-RFLP method. The frequencies of M and N alleles of CAST gene (n=150) were determined as 0,864-0,136. According to chi square test, the population were consistent with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were population shows no significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the CAST gene.
Figures & Tables
Figure 1. Electropherogram showing the amplification product. M – DNA size marker, 1-19 – our sample.