Factor affecting estimated breeding value of cow from pedigree and progeny records in Hanwoo

Mi Na Park1,2   Yeong Kuk Kim1   Dajeong Lim3   Chang Gwon Dang2   Cedric Gondro4   Byung Ho Park2   Si Dong Kim2   Seung Hwan Lee1,*   

1Division of Animal & Dairy Science, Chungnam National University
2Animal Genome & Bioinformatics Division, National Institute of Animal Science, RDA
3Animal Genetic Improvement Division, National Institute of Animal Science, RDA
4University of New England


The purpose of this study was to estimate the cow breeding value and to investigate the factors affecting the accuracy of cows breeding value using carcass data. As a result of genetic evaluation, the accuracy of estimated breeding value was about 33-37% when accuracy of sire breeding value was 60%-70%, and a little higher accuracy of 37-40% was estimated when the accuracy of sire breeding value was 70-80%. In other words, when the accuracy of sire breeding value is increased by 10-20%, the accuracy of breeding value of the subsequent cows is also increased by 4-5%. Furthermore, if the accuracy of the estimated breeding value of sires was as high as 80-90%, the accuracy of the breeding value of the cow was estimated to be 39-42%. These results suggest that about 50% of the accuracy of the breeding value is transferred from the their sire. The accuracy of the estimated breeding value of cows was analyzed by using the cow’s parity (number of their progeny). Only cow with their progeny phenotypes were analyzed for the accuracy of the estimated breeding value. As a result, the accuracy was 50-60% when the number of the next generation was 5-6, Low 48% -57%, and accuracy of about 40% in 2 to 3 animals. As a result, it would be more effective to carry out genetic evaluation of the cow's sire (KPN) by ensuring as much information as possible from the sire of cow than to the direct information of the cow's future to raise the accuracy of the estimated breeding price of the cow.


본 연구는 차세대 바이오그린 21 동물분자유전육종사업단(PJ011349)으로 부터 연구비를 지원받아 수행하였습니다. 이와 더불어, 출하우 도체성적 및 혈통자료를 제공하여주신 평창‧영월‧정선 축산업협동조합 관계자 여러분께 감사드립니다.

Figures & Tables

Genetic correlation between carcass traits in Hanwoo.